Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My 100th post

This was done the same day as the blue water drop. When I did these I ended up putting a card table in my bathroom to use the shower rod to hang the plastic bag of water from. When my son came over he thought it strange that I had a card table in the bathroom. Okay, my house has become a photography studio.

In the last 100 days I have learned more about table top photography than the preceding 10 years of serious photography. Knowing that I would need to have a photo to post kept me searching for new ideas and how to achieve them. Library books, youtube, pinterest and just keeping my eyes open for new possibilities. Before starting this project, I would not have bothered to put in the time and effort it has taken for the creative water photography if I had not accepted Judy Myers challenge to "take a photo a day for a year". It turned into post a photo a day. So Thank You Judy.

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